
Two Paths
Haven't posted in a while, so I wanted to put something out there! COVID has certainly been a roller coaster ride for the world. Millions of lives lost, hundreds of thousands of business gone forever, and billions of lives impacted. COVID has equally been a magnifying glass to illuminate, highlight, and expand both the good and bad concerning many parts of our lives - a double edged sword of awareness and raw truth.
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Life is full of challenges. They are par for the course. To have obstacles is part of the human journey. Challenges are there to push us out of our comfort zone. We don't want them at the level of the ego, but we need them at the level of our spirit.
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4 Hacks to Get More Veggies in Your Diet
Vegetables are one of the most important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to having a healthy diet. But a lot of us find it difficult to get in the recommended servings of them every day. We're busy! So here are 4 hacks to help you get there.
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How Moeen Helped His Client Become Pain-Free
In this video, Moeen, an athletic therapist at Milesfit, spoke about how he helped heal a client’s chronic pain. When his client first came in, he had several injuries: in the shoulder, the hip, the achilles, the groin etc. All in one client! After a few set backs, Moeen helped get his client pain-free within a year. (The set backs involved re-injuring himself, etc.)
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The Power of the Middle Ground
In today's day and age, we've become an all or nothing culture. We’ve seem to have lost the art of finding the middle-ground where one can find balance and compromise. This is one of the reasons why diets don't work. People are either "on" or "off." They're either on a diet and things are "on track" or they screw up and fall off (and the "screw-it" syndrome begins with a huge trip to binge-city!) What if the solution was simply found in the grey zone?
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Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
“Meaningful change starts with introspection and honest consideration.” Our lives are largely structured by our habits. For example, the job we have is the product of a set of habits we developed to gain the skills to be qualified for that job. Now we have habits that allow us to continue our work, from getting dressed in the morning, to our commute to work, to the way we handle the tasks at our job. We create habits to get us what we want, and to maintain what we have. These habits can become deeply ingrained in us, to the point where they are subconscious. We go through the motions of these habits without thinking about it. It’s just how we live. However, not all of our habits help us. Some of those subconscious processes can hinder us when we want to make important changes in our lives. A habit that serves you where you’re at won’t always help you get to where you want! The solution is to change, but how do we do it? Well, this is the ultimate question!
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"The secret is not to cut out anything! It’s to have a healthy relationship with food: one where you have an all inclusive approach and mentality." Our clients ask us all the time if they should cut out sugar on their weight-loss journeys. Our answer is no! If you completely abstain from something, all you’re going to do is create built up tension! What this inevitably results in is breaking the strict regime, consuming some sugar, and feeling a ton of guilt and shame! And when you feel guilt and shame, you will also inevitably end up in a town called binge-city! Where you develop a syndrome known as f*ck-it syndrome, and you throw every single good dietary principle out the window! The secret is not to cut out anything! It’s to have a healthy relationship with food: one where you have an all inclusive approach and mentality. This is exactly how we coach our clients. We don’t believe in diets and we don’t believe in strict nutrition protocols. Yes, if you’re a super athlete or you’re training for a competition, by all means you do need a strict and regimented approach. But, if you’re like 99% of the population, and you just want to enjoy food, and look and feel great, then you have to have a healthy relationship with food that permits a long term sustainable way of eating!
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“Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times while trying to invent the light-bulb! Every-time he failed, he declared that he found another way to NOT invent the light-bulb.” Are you screwing yourself over? Who here has self-sabotaged before? Raise your hand and join the club! Why do we do this? Well, I think that's a great question to ask because it seems quite bizarre that we would sabotage ourselves from getting what we want! We're peculiar beings, aren't we? Self-sabotage is an interesting phenomena. Especially because I don't think the body wants to self-destruct. As a matter of fact, I think it could be quite the opposite! What if self-sabotage was our own body trying to protect us from ourselves and it had nothing to do with screwing ourselves over other than the perception of such by the inability of our conscious minds to understand what's up? How could this be?
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A Work in Progress
We're all works in progress doing the best we can with what we know (and doing the best we can given the circumstances of our lives). Perfection is an illusion. Ideal happenings don't exist. What we want never unfolds as we envisioned it. That's the name of the game. We only know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know. Life is a journey of uncovering that which we don't know to make the unknown known. If we had it all figured out, there wouldn't be much point to the quest of life. The hero's journey is about self-discovery through constant micro-journeys jump started with calls to action, followed by facing dragons, and finally coming full circle with the treasure in hand. Journey - challenge - victory. And, victory can mean getting yourself beaten down to a fine pulp. Sometimes you have to lose to win.
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Goals Versus Rituals
"Life is not about the end result—it's about the process of transformation. It's about witnessing yourself re-invent yourself, and evolving into a new person." Making a clear distinction between goals and rituals is a SUPER important line to draw in the sand. Goals = something you achieve. Rituals = the habits you execute on a daily basis to move you towards your goals. Goals = outcomes. Rituals = steps. Do you want to focus on the outcome or the steps? I suggest the latter! Goals get you excited, but often can get you equally overwhelmed. You want to envision what you want and think about it from time to time, but you don't want to get caught up in the imagination of things for too long. Once you know what you want, it's all about setting up the rituals to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
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